May rendezvouses in Belgrade

May rendezvouses in Belgrade

Active work of the Serbian leadership in the first half of May, immediately after a new government has been appointed, is rather impressive. On the one hand, it is clear…
Viktor Orbán and Hristijan Mickoski on 24 October, 2023. Source: MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher. Daily News Hungary

Orbán’s Macedonian game

After the duo of presidential and parliamentary elections in North Macedonia, the country is entering an era of change. The change of power will lead to conceptual shifts in foreign…
Is a New War in Kosovo Possible?

Is a New War in Kosovo Possible?

Belgrade and Priština responds differently to this question in the title. While Serbian officials claim that they are doing everything to keep the peace, Kosovo's leaders keep warning of Serbian…
Hard times for Serbia… or for the region?

Hard times for Serbia… or for the region?

On March 26, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić warned Serbians that their country, as well as Republika Srpska, are facing some challenging times. "Difficult days are ahead for Serbia,” he wrote…
Russian propaganda bombs

Russian propaganda bombs

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. Operation Allied Force was a military effort by the NATO bloc against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (March…
Z-shadow looming over Croatia

Z-shadow looming over Croatia

The latest developments in Croatia can be safely claimed to the most serious political crisis in the country in the last decade, since the accession to the European Union. The…